I Hab a Code

The end of the month awaits, with the turkey at Thanksgiving and shopping for the loons on Black Friday. Right now, I get one last weekend of covering cross country races. The State Championships play out in Pasco next weekend at Sun Willow Golf Club. Asotin and Pullman qualified as teams. Clarkston had two young ladies, Lindsey Heflin and Olivia Lane, qualify.  Interestingly, by WIAA standards, I don't meet the standard for media. I'm betting no one else has written as much on cross country this year.

That will occupy all day on Saturday. I'll have a post up Sunday about the experience there - not the race, that'll be over at InlandXC - watching men and women that I watched grow from waifs to the top runners, or nearly so, in the state.

November business normally stays slow but this year is off to a roaring start. Hard to complain about except I didn't expect it. We can expect decent running weather for at least a few more weeks though I'm taking a few days off. As you might have gathered from the title, I'm feeling a little punk. That's what happens when you babysit little plague carriers. Very cute plague carriers, but  . . . my sinuses are filled with ick.  Not running today.

I'm trying something new with Trail of Second Chances - it's on a countdown special in the Kindle store at Amazon. Deal ends on the 8th, so click the link and grab a copy. Since I donate 10 percent of the profits, and those have been cut with the special, for this sale I decided to up the percentage to 20 percent. I would take it as an honor if you (collectively) would cost me a lot of donations. Tell your friends, too. A great book, a great price, double the giving. And yes, Amazon lets you gift Kindle books!

My Sellers Guide to Home Inspections book is nearly done. I start a cover design course Tuesday. I'm hoping to do the cover for that all by my little lonesome. Worry about that later.

Next post will be Thursday. Rita Jeptoo testing positive for doping bothers me and I think I want to do some thinking out loud on the subject.