Pikes Peak in the Morning

Vacation! Woke up this morning to a view of Pikes Peak which is a fine way to start the day.

Woke up too early though, about 6AM local time (5AM at home) so I don’t think the body has gotten the message that we’re on vacation. I’ll substitute a nap later

The race on Saturday is down in Pagosa Springs, which, if you grab a map (or mapquest but maps are more fun), you’ll note is about four hours from here, just about on the New Mexico border. We’ll be driving down Friday. In the meantime, I’m staying with my friends, Adric and Amanda, just outside of Colorado Springs.

The game plan for the day includes a short run in the Garden of the Gods and a trip to an honest-to-goodness running store for the odds and ends I need for race day. I know the old saw about not changing anything on the day of the marathon but, meh, too bad. After running a fair share of the them and a few ultras, you start figuring out what works – and how to adapt on the move. Handy skill that.

I’ll snag some pictures of the Garden to put up on the blog and FB but probably won’t write about it. I’m fully expecting to suck wind since all my training has been marginally above sea level and I’m now sitting at 8600′.

It’ll be fun.